Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Going Green!

Everyone is talking about how global warming is affecting the world. Everyone is taking measure to "go green" and make the world an Eco-friendly place. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you should stop caring about the environment!

I found this article talking about going green on vacation.

Title: Staying Green On Vacation
By:Kris Glover

This article talks about all of the things to do before you leave and while on vacation to be Eco-friendly while traveling. It has many great tips! One thing you can do is turn the water off before you leave for your trip. This will help prevent water waste cause by leaks and drips. It will prevent your toilets from running while you are gone.

I never really thought about all the paper you waster when traveling until I read this article. But to prevent paper waste, like in your luggage tags, you should get plastic ones that last longer. Also print your tickets and boarding passes off before you leave home. Airlines use hard plastic paper in colored ink that is such a waste!

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