Monday, March 8, 2010

Things To Do

Once you figure out how to make your transportation "green" you need to think about what you are going to actually do on vacation. Here is an article that gives you a few options.

Title: Green Activites
Author: Elizabeth

This article talks about cheap (or free!) things you can do that don't harm the environment.

Sit in a park and watch the locals, read, or write in a travel journal
Wander through non-touristy neighborhoods (you can spend days doing this)
Stop at cafes in those neighborhoods
Take public transportation to a random stop and get off and wander around (check with a hostel worker/concierge/local first to make sure the neighborhood is safe)
Visit museums
Browse local shops and businesses
Play pick-up sports with the locals
Visit the local library
Spend time on a university’s campus
Spend time in a university neighborhood - there are often fun and inexpensive bookstores, restaurants, and coffee shops near colleges
Go to a religious service (make sure you are dressed appropriately and know enough about local customs as to not offend anyone)
Windsurf, canoe, or kayak
Go for a run before the city is awake

Most of these things are good for you and for the environment!

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