Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring Break!

Spring Break is pretty much on everyone's mind right now. Especially with all of this horrible weather! There are a ton of places to choice from when planning spring break. I am going to compare going to Miami, Florida and going to Orlando, Florida.


Miami has a ton to hotels! You are bound to find a nice place to stay. *460+ hotels and motels and nearly 50,000 rooms

While I was looking up facts about Miami I found one that said Miami has one of the largest snow skiing clubs in the United states! I think this is very ironic.

I looked on Map Quest and it said it would take 24 hours and 18 minutes to drive to Miami If you started in Maryville, Mo. That would be a nice road trip with your friends!


Orlando has about 500 hotels to choose from.

There are 9 shopping malls.

Here is a list of facts about Orlando

Map Quest says that it would take 20 hours and 58 minutes to drive to Orlando from Maryville.

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