Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hybrid Cars

If you decide to take a train or the plane to get to your destination you are going to need a mode of transportaion when you get there. If you don't think you can go your whole vacation using public transportation you should look into renting a hybrid vehicle.

Here is an article that explains what a hybrid car is and how they work. It also explains why they are better for the environment.

The article basically explains the pros and cons of Hybrid cars. It is very interesting.

Eating Out

Everyone loves to eat, especially when we are on vacation! To try and stay green when you are on vacation there are many things to do. You can pack your lunch and snacks as many times as possible. But who doesn't want to eat out ever now and then? Here is an article that gives a few tips on how to stay green when dinning out.

Title: Being Green while Dining Out

A few tips the article gives are to make sure not to use a paper cup. Also when you are taking home leftovers never use one of those Styrofoam containers. They aren't recyclable. You can always bring your own container to take things home.


Many people these days are hurting for money. And who can go on vacation with no money? Not me thats for sure. I came across the idea of a staycation while I was searching through the internet. A staycation is a vacation where you don't really leave your local area. Here is an article that explains what a staycation is and how to plan a great one.

Title: How to Take a Money-saving Eco-friendly Staycation (stay-at-home Vacation)
Author: Carol Stone

This article lists tons of ways to have a staycation. It helps you prepare. And tells you how to have a good time at home!

Volunteer Vacations

I have pointed out in some of my previous blogs that vacations really aren't that good for the environment. Why not take a vacation where you can give back to the earth and people as well? Many people are taking volunteer vacations and thinking about other people rather than themselves. I read an article about some of the organizations you can work for while on vacation. It talks about some of the places you can go and how much these trips usually cost. People young and old can participate in volunteer vacations. Click on the link below to read the article.

Title:Volunteer Vacations
Author: Nicole Davis

Monday, March 8, 2010

Green Your Hotel

When going green you have to think about everything. You can save a lot of energy by doing a few simple things to your hotel room. Here is an article that gives you 11 tips to go green in your hotel.

Title: 11 Tips and Tricks for Greening Your Hotel Stay

Author: Elizabeth

It says that you need to unplug all of the appliances that you are not going to be using.

Hang up your towel! If you hang your towel up the housekeeping will not always take it to be washed. You don't need a clean towel every time you shower!

Leave the pen behind!

Do read more tips click on the link above.

Things To Do

Once you figure out how to make your transportation "green" you need to think about what you are going to actually do on vacation. Here is an article that gives you a few options.

Title: Green Activites
Author: Elizabeth

This article talks about cheap (or free!) things you can do that don't harm the environment.

Sit in a park and watch the locals, read, or write in a travel journal
Wander through non-touristy neighborhoods (you can spend days doing this)
Stop at cafes in those neighborhoods
Take public transportation to a random stop and get off and wander around (check with a hostel worker/concierge/local first to make sure the neighborhood is safe)
Visit museums
Browse local shops and businesses
Play pick-up sports with the locals
Visit the local library
Spend time on a university’s campus
Spend time in a university neighborhood - there are often fun and inexpensive bookstores, restaurants, and coffee shops near colleges
Go to a religious service (make sure you are dressed appropriately and know enough about local customs as to not offend anyone)
Windsurf, canoe, or kayak
Go for a run before the city is awake

Most of these things are good for you and for the environment!

Global Warming

I guess before I started talking about going green, I should have explained what Global Warming was. We have defiantly heard a lot about it lately, but do you truly know what it is? This article gives a brief article explaining what it is.

Title: What Causes Global Warming
Author: Larry West

Scientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming by adding excessive amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accummulate in the atmosphere and trap heat that normally would exit into outer space.

To continue reading the article click here:

I was actually learning about this in my astronomy class today!


Here is another article about traveling by train.

Title: 5 Reasons You Should Travel By Train

Author: Josh Peterson

This article lists five reasons why you should travel by train. The five reasons it gives are environment, scenery, people, relaxation, and price. Like I said in my last blog trains are better for the environment that planes. When you are riding on a train you will get to take your time and take in your surroundings. You will meet different types of people on a train. Depending where you are going you might spend a couple days with these people.

Traveling By Train

I was wondering which type of transportation is better for the environment. As I was browsing the Internet, I discovered this article.

Title: Train Travel is Almost Always Better for the Environment

Author: Tracy Stokes

This article talks about how traveling by train is easier on the environment. "A train uses up to 70% less energy and causes up to 85% less air pollution than a jet aircraft." That seems like a good reason to take a train to me. Some of the comments on this article talk about how train travel is less of a hassle. There isn't as much security so you don't have to arrive so early.

On one of my trips to Colorado we took the Amtrak train. It was a fun experience. We didn't have to arrive hours earlier or do a whole lot for security. Our trip was overnight so we didn't get to have a meal or look at the scenery. I defiantly recommend taking the train, especially because it's better for the environment!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Going Green!

Everyone is talking about how global warming is affecting the world. Everyone is taking measure to "go green" and make the world an Eco-friendly place. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you should stop caring about the environment!

I found this article talking about going green on vacation.

Title: Staying Green On Vacation
By:Kris Glover

This article talks about all of the things to do before you leave and while on vacation to be Eco-friendly while traveling. It has many great tips! One thing you can do is turn the water off before you leave for your trip. This will help prevent water waste cause by leaks and drips. It will prevent your toilets from running while you are gone.

I never really thought about all the paper you waster when traveling until I read this article. But to prevent paper waste, like in your luggage tags, you should get plastic ones that last longer. Also print your tickets and boarding passes off before you leave home. Airlines use hard plastic paper in colored ink that is such a waste!