Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where I've Been.

I guess to start out my travel blog I am going to talk about the places I have been. Lets see, what states have I been to? California, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Florida. And of course I have been to the states surrounding Missouri: Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas.

I went to California with my family. I was in the third grade. We went to Disney Land and to the beach. It was my first real vacation and a lot of fum! It was also the first time I flew on an airplane.

I went to Wisconsin and Illinois on a bus trip with my grandma, mom, and sister. We went on a boat tour of the Wisconsin Dells.

I went to Florida with my 20 classmates on senior trip. We spent 3 days at Clearwater. We swam in the ocean and explored the town. Then we went to Orlando for a few days. We went to all of the theme parks there. My favorite was Wet and Wild, a water park. I would love to go back there someday.

I have family that lives in Colorado so I have been there several times. One time my family and i took the train out there. I went on my most recent trip to Colorado this past summer. My family and a couple of my aunts and there families went. We rented a house in the mountains and stayed there for a week. My favorite day of the trip was when we went to the Royal Gorge. The Royal Gorge is the highest suspension bridge in the world. My cousins and I decided to do the Skycoaster over the Royal Gorge. The Skycoaster is like the Rip Cord at Worlds Of Fun in Kansas City only over a giant canon!!! It was defiantly the scariest thing i have ever done but it was totally worth it! The workers told us there were only nine of these things in the world. My cousin and I decided that were were going to try and go on every one of them.

Here is a view of the gorge. The Skycoaster is off to the left a bit and swings you out over the gorge.


1 comment:

  1. I actually just got back from Florida a few days ago. The ocean was amazing but as I was at the beach I noticed something that was very different as I started to walk towards the water I noticed this nasty smell once I got closer I found out the smell was thousands of dead fish washed up on the bay. It was to see this happen because prior week before I got there the temp was in the low 20's and the fish where beginning to die because they where not used to the old weather.
