Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have always been interested in traveling. There is something about it that excites me. I enjoy going to different places and seeing how other people live. Being from a small town in Missouri it never seems like there is much going on or much to see. When you get away from the things you are used to seeing everyday life gets much more exciting. TV probably plays a large part in why i like traveling. Everything always looks so glamorous on TV. I guess i just want to experience a lot of things in life and one of the only ways I can do that is by getting out there and seeing the world! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where I've Been.

I guess to start out my travel blog I am going to talk about the places I have been. Lets see, what states have I been to? California, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Florida. And of course I have been to the states surrounding Missouri: Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas.

I went to California with my family. I was in the third grade. We went to Disney Land and to the beach. It was my first real vacation and a lot of fum! It was also the first time I flew on an airplane.

I went to Wisconsin and Illinois on a bus trip with my grandma, mom, and sister. We went on a boat tour of the Wisconsin Dells.

I went to Florida with my 20 classmates on senior trip. We spent 3 days at Clearwater. We swam in the ocean and explored the town. Then we went to Orlando for a few days. We went to all of the theme parks there. My favorite was Wet and Wild, a water park. I would love to go back there someday.

I have family that lives in Colorado so I have been there several times. One time my family and i took the train out there. I went on my most recent trip to Colorado this past summer. My family and a couple of my aunts and there families went. We rented a house in the mountains and stayed there for a week. My favorite day of the trip was when we went to the Royal Gorge. The Royal Gorge is the highest suspension bridge in the world. My cousins and I decided to do the Skycoaster over the Royal Gorge. The Skycoaster is like the Rip Cord at Worlds Of Fun in Kansas City only over a giant canon!!! It was defiantly the scariest thing i have ever done but it was totally worth it! The workers told us there were only nine of these things in the world. My cousin and I decided that were were going to try and go on every one of them.

Here is a view of the gorge. The Skycoaster is off to the left a bit and swings you out over the gorge.